Garden Techniques and Design

Can I Use A Regular Heating Pad For Seedlings?

Can I Use A Regular Heating Pad For Seedlings?

Can I Use A Regular Heating Pad For Seedlings? If you live in a relatively cold climate and are an…

Can You Use Wood Chips As A Mulch On A Vegetable Garden? 

Can You Use Wood Chips As A Mulch On A Vegetable Garden? 

Can You Use Wood Chips As A Mulch On A Vegetable Garden? Wood chips are a very popular mulching material that…

Do Coffee Grounds Keep Deer Away?

Do Coffee Grounds Keep Deer Away?

Do Coffee Grounds Keep Deer Away? Deer are one of the most persistent pests in the garden and they have…

Does Deer Repellent Really Work? (All The Answers Based On Academic Research)

Does Deer Repellent Really Work? (All The Answers Based On Academic Research)

Does Deer Repellent Really Work? Deer are a perennial problem in many parts of the United States and Europe where…

How High Can A Deer Jump? (And What Type Of Fence Do I Need To Build To Keep Them Out)

How High Can A Deer Jump? (And What Type Of Fence Do I Need To Build To Keep Them Out)

How High Can A Deer Jump? A deer is a type of animal that is found in many different environments, including…

Can You Compost Toxic Plants?

Can You Compost Toxic Plants?

Can You Compost Toxic Plants? If you are someone that has a reasonable size garden there is a fairly high…

Can You Compost Potatoes? Or Will They Start Growing?

Can You Compost Potatoes? Or Will They Start Growing?

Can You Compost Potatoes? Composting is a great way to process waste and also develop nutrient-rich soil that can be…

How Effective Is Rooting Hormone? Is It Worth Using?

How Effective Is Rooting Hormone? Is It Worth Using?

How Effective Is Rooting Hormone? You often see gardening experts preparing cuttings for propagation on gardening shows using rooting hormones.…

Do You Have To Use Seed Starting Mix?

Do You Have To Use Seed Starting Mix?

Do You Have To Use Seed Starting Mix? The need to purchase seed starting mix (sometimes referred to as seed…

Is The Soil In Raised beds Warmer Than The Soil In The Ground?

Is The Soil In Raised beds Warmer Than The Soil In The Ground?

Is The Soil In Raised beds Warmer Than The Soil In The Ground? Raised beds have been a popular inclusion…